AI engineering?

An artificial intelligence engineer works with natural language processing and neural networks to build models for AI–based applications. AI engineers studying the patterns of the human brain and analyzing the cognitive process.

The type of applications:

  • Logical Reasoning
  • Language translation
  • identification or Human perception

AI engineer vs data scientist or data engineer

We will see how AI engineer differs from that of a data engineer or a data scientist.

  • Data scientists build machine learning models meant to support business decision making.
  • Data engineers write programs to extract data from sources and transform it so that it can be manipulated and analyzed.

Roles of an AI Engineer

  • Convert the machine learning models into an application program interfaces (APIs) so that other applications can use it.
  • Perform statistical analysis so that the organization can make better-informed decisions.
  • Manage AI development.

Skills for AI Engineer

Linear Algebra, Probability, and Statistics : such as linear discriminant analysis , Hidden Markov models, Gaussian mixture models and Naive Bayes.

Programming Skills : such as C++, Python, Java, R, to build and implement models.

Problem-solving Skills : They should also have excellent problem-solving skills to resolve obstacles for decision making .

Algorithms and Frameworks : how machine learning algorithms like Support Vector Machine , linear regression, KNN, Naive Bayes etc. will help you to implement machine learning models . Some of the frameworks used in artificial intelligence are TensorFlow, PyTorch, Theano, and Caffe.

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Jobs in AI

Some of these job roles are:

AI Architect : AI architects work closely with clients to provide system integration services and constructive business.

AI Developer : develops software to create intelligent robots.

Data Scientists : Data scientists collect, clean, analyze, and interpret large and complex datasets.

Machine Learning Engineer : build predictive models using extensive volumes of datasets.

Business Intelligence Developer : They’re responsible for designing, modeling, and analyzing complex data to identify market trends.