IIMT Group of Colleges established in the year 1994.

Since its inception, the group has grown leaps & bounds and achieved exemplary recognition from the Industry & Academia. At IIMT, we are committed to provide a value driven culture along with creating a professional environment. IIMT as a group, large and diversified, imparts knowledge in the field of Engineering, Management, Education, Law, Pharmacy, etc.

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Higher  Education  leads  to  a  profession  which  helps  them  to  serve  the  society . Be  it  Medical profession , Legal profession  in  a  Court of  Law  or  Management  profession  in  Organisation  of  repute. Best Engineering Placement College .

Engineering  profession  is  one  of  the  most  versatile  and  prestigious  profession  in  the  society. Engineering  profession  provides  comfort  and  advancement  in  technology  applications  throughout  the  world .

Best Engineering Placement College

Engineering  profession  has  been an  order  of  the  day. It  was  existing  in  some  form  or  the  other  since  ancient  times . But  mankind  has  never  been  able  to  recognize it  in  any  form .

Now  Engineering  has  started  from  the  day  mankind  dwelling  in  forest  started  to  settle  in  villages  and  communities  were  formed  based  on  the  profession  of  human  beings .

Engineering  is  an undergraduate  degree  of  four  years  duration .This  degree  is  taught  in  various  branches  of  Engineering . The branches  of  Engineering  cover  the  most  popular   branch  of  Computer  Science  and  Information  Technology ,

Best Engineering Placement College

Artificial  Intelligence  is  also  an  offshoot  specialization  branch  of  Computer  Science . Apart  from  above  Engineering  branches , Electronics  and  Communication  Engineering  is another  branch  of  Engineering other than Electrical Engineering.

One  of  the  oldest  and  mother  branch  of  Engineering  is  Civil  Engineering . Apart  from  Civil  Engineering , Mechanical  Engineering  is  another  offshoot  of  Civil  Engineering . All  above  branches  of  Engineering  are  of  4 years  duration .

In  todays  era  of  unemployment , glamour  attached  to  Engineering  profession  and  high  earning  potential  with  due  respect  and  recognition  by  the  society  has  made even high  echelons  of  the  society  to  pursue  this  profession .

IIMT  College  of  Engineering  offers  highly  accredited  Engineering  Programs  in  all  advanced  and  prestigious  branches  of  Engineering  like  Computer  Science , Information  Technology , Artificial  Intelligence , Civil , Mechanical , Electrical , Electronics and Communication Engineering .

All  these  branches  run  in  the  academic  campus  throughout  the  year  with  online  classes  being  conducted  on  regular  basis .Each  of  above  programs  start  from  basic  foundation  courses  in  Physics , Chemistry  and  Mathematics .

Major  and  Minor  Projects  are  undertaken  by  students  in  their  pre-final  years . Our  students  score  high  in  their  University  Examination  and  some  of  them  are  ranked high  in  the  University  level .

Best Engineering Placement College
career opportunity for btech cse graduate

Students  passing  out  from  IIMT  College  of  Engineering  get  high  end  jobs  in  prestigious  multi-national  companies  of  India .

They  are  high  salary  jobs  which  are  settled  by  our  students  based  on  their  knowledge  and  performance  in  written test  and  interview  for  which  they  are  groomed  throughout  their  academic  curriculum  of  four  years .

This is it in Best Engineering Placement College . Also Check Best Placement College in Uttar Pradesh .