NAAC accreditation is mandatory for all the upper learning institutes, particularly state universities. Learner-centred pedagogy  and  ICT-oriented teaching-learning have given them the unique benefit of moving towards global parity in education. In simple terms, NAAC accreditation or grade of a better learning institute will help the scholar to work out all the small print about the institute like quality of education, research output, teaching-learning, infrastructure etc. Find out Naac A Grade University In Up Here.

Naac Grade A Colleges In India

NAAC grade helps students to settle on the simplest institute supported its NAAC grade/ performance within the NAAC accreditation process. NAAC grade also determines the worth of degree offered by the upper learning institutes.

Must check Naac Grade A Colleges In India

Such  advancement  of  pedagogy  has  given  some  of  these  colleges  the  opportunity  to  excel  in research.  They have, therefore, promoted collaboration with some of the outstanding centres of higher learning in the world. This is one of  the  reasons  for  a  large  number  of  overseas  students  seeking  their  educational  services. 

At  least  one college  has  been  offering  periodic  study  programmes  on  its  campus  to  students  of  leading  universities in  the  U.S.  during the  past  23  years.  The  awards  and  honours  won  for  outstanding  research,  the  large number of overseas fellowships enjoyed by their faculty and the consultancies they offer to agencies inland and  abroad  attest  the  truth  that  pedagogy  and  research  are  complementary.  And  these  institutions  are loud  testimonies  of  it.

One  of  the  unique  achievements  of  some  of  the  colleges  is  the  institutionalisation  of  extension activities. While they continue to excel in service programmes which are sporadic, they have networked neighbourhood  services  and  built  a  nexus  between  academics  and  extension. 

Such interfacing  has internalized  and  institutionalized  extension  work  in  some  colleges.  Consequently,  they  have  networked neighbourhood  communities  in  order  to  bring  about  social  transformation. 

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One  of  the  colleges  runs  aleprosy hospital, a Family Life Institute with a maternity centre, a rural development centre to offer training programmes for farmers, a school and a nursery for poor children and a dairy farm. This is it in Naac A Grade University In Up . For any Other updates Checkout our other blogs.