Oxygen Generator “Jeevan”

I take this opportunity to extend to you a warm welcome to the IIMT Group of Colleges, Greater Noida.

IIMT Group Of Colleges Greater Noida

Oxygen Generator “Jeevan”

IIMT team has successfully developed and tested Oxygen Generator “Jeevan”.Students at IIMT are dealing with real-life problems for fighting COVID-19. IIMT Group of colleges is the only private institution in India having the ability to develop indigenous oxygen generator. Jeevan can provide 15 Litre/min oxygen and can provide oxygen to up to 5 people at a time.

During 2021 Covid Pandemic there was a huge scarcity of Oxygen in our country. To overcome it we at IIMT IIC Incubation centre planned for developing a technology for utilisation and production in our country. The technology is based on Pressurised sensing absorption of Nitrogen from Air. The main features are: 15 litres/minute of oxygen at 92% concentration which can help up to 5 critical patients. The same oxygen will be used for a ventilator which is under product development at our IIC Incubation unit. The Cost cutting technology when compared with the other products in the market, this product is highly economical thereby saving a lot of foreign revenues of the country.

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Key Elements of Innovation

  • IIMT Group Of Colleges Greater Noida

    Technology Developed: PSA (Pressurized Sensor Adsorptions).
    CONTROL PANEL for Controlling Compressor and Solenoid Valve.

  • IIMT Group Of Colleges Greater Noida

    Cost Incurred: Rs.45000.

Social Relevance

  • IIMT Group Of Colleges Greater Noida

    Useful for the society during critical condition of the patients who is suffering from chronic diseases.

Oxygen Generator “Jeevan”

Aim For Excellence